Words like ‘failure’ make our hearts sink, whether it’s an exam we haven’t passed or a personal target we haven’t managed to hit. Failure is something which most of us are afraid of, and therefore we seek to do everything possible to avoid it. Failure to some people might mean not winning a race or not quite achieving something they’ve been working towards, but it’s important not to become discouraged by the fact you haven’t met targets or come out on top.

The most successful people in the world have had to go through situations that many others would regard as failures. J. K. Rowling, world-famous author of Harry Potter, was rejected by 12 publishers before she finally got the break she needed from her novels. Thomas Edison was told he was ‘too stupid’ by his teachers while he was at school, and he has become a household name now.

Failure can make you try harder

Depending on how badly you want something, failing can make you try even harder to reach your goal. Whether you’re training to run a 10K and want to surpass your personal best, or you’re studying for an exam and aiming to get the highest mark in the class, falling short can make us try harder next time. While it can be discouraging at first, it’s important to remember that you cannot change what you’ve already done, but you can look forward and change it in the future.

Failure isn’t the end of everything

With a few rare exceptions, there is always the chance to try again at whatever you’ve failed to achieve. Annual competitions will be held next year, exams can usually be re-sat the following exam season and sports can be played again and again. Failing several times can help you to realize that there will always be a second chance, and when you do finally succeed and achieve what you’ve been aiming for, you’ll feel a greater sense of satisfaction.

Failure can give you more confidence

If you’re afraid of failing, this will prevent you from trying new things and seeing what you can achieve. This fear is the main reason that many people are scared of doing certain things, such as going back into education or learning a new sport. Dealing with failure can give you a massive confidence boost and encourage you to try new things. After all, everybody has to start somewhere!

Go out and try something new. I have found that the thing that you fear most is probably the thing that will push you to where you really want to go.

To your success,